Got a short leg?

By | November 22, 2014


Uneven pelvic alignment, crooked knees, flat feet and an assortment of aches and pains are easily corrected.  With inexpensive adjustments to shoes and exercises, the pain subsides in just days. Pelvic Obliquity is an unfortunate result of a very common foot and ankle problem.  In most cases of knee  and back pain,  I see an “apparent” leg length discrepancy.

Want good and cheap solutions for knee and back pain?

Dr. School’s PRO ARCH supports – $10.76 (Walmart) to $16.99 (King Soopers). Walk=Fit orthotics are an inexpensive, but progressive option for comparison ($19.99 on-line and at Target)

Call us at (303) 421-PROArchW PROArch2210 for more information, and to be evaluated and begin the healing, NOW!



Category: Prevention

About Paul O'Brian

CEO, Paul O’Brian founded Accelerate Physical Therapy , P.C. in 1989 in Arvada. Specializing in orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation over a 40-year-career, Paul is experienced in shoulder, knee, spine, foot/ankle, elbow, wrist and hand rehabilitation, quadriplegia, hemiplegia, multiple sclerosis, weakness and balance issues, and geriatric conditions, arthritis, functional decline, postural and pain problems, sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, and workers’ compensation injuries. Paul O'Brian has been a youth sports coach for 25 years (swimming and diving, soccer, football and rugby). Paul has served on the Board of Directors for multiple Colorado non-profit Colorado corporations, including Colorado Physical Therapy Network (20 years), Rugby Colorado (5 years) and Tigers Rugby Football Club (20 years).