Spinal stabilization is an important aspect of recovery from spinal pain, whether the problem is newly acquired or chronic. Exercise and proper body mechanics are well matched in this approach. Injuries and poor posture cause pain resulting in weakness that will not resolve completely without personal effort on the part of the person seeking assistance. The symptomatic spinal segment may be held in a comfortable mid-range position by muscle force rather than a back brace. Joint or disc pain will cause muscle spasm to protect itself, triggering additional pain. By practicing “muscular fusion” during movement and static postures, the pain is most often controlled and the muscles supporting the painful segment begin to overcome inhibition. During movement, stability may also be maintained. Proper muscle development and volitional control can be difficult to teach. Spinal stabilization is a well-structured and meaningful application of tasks that result in balanced strength and reaction skills sufficient to control spinal pain.
The muscles responsible for the support of spinal segments are compromised by direct injury, and indirect factors including postural faults, gait deviations, hypermobile ligaments, muscle weakness, substitution or imbalances, and post-surgical or post-partum conditions. Identifying and addressing problems in leg length discrepancies, foot position and support, knee and hip function, and whether they are symptomatic or simply inefficient are critical clinical decisions. The most significant factor in clinical success with back pain is the consistency with which the back pain sufferer can be motivated, inspired, prodded, schmoozed, compelled, tricked, or simply asked to perform specific tasks (exercises and proper body mechanical movement) every single day. Success is likely within 3 weeks if compliance is achieved. Additional exercise training in aquatic,
unloaded and remedial situations bring the spinal pain sufferer back to the level of activities desired.
Osteopathic and chiropractic physicians and physical therapists attempt to restore normal joint mobility and position. The only substantive support following these procedures is the normal muscle function of the region. As in other joint issues, the ability to discontinue passive treatment of the spine is ultimately linked to the restoration of normal muscle strength, balance and reaction time.